Regulatory & Disclaimers
Cazadores Investments Ltd ("Cazadores Ltd") is a limited company registered in England and Wales, registration number 10181648.
Authorised and Regulated by the FCA with FCA reference number 771719
LEI Number: 213800ZHM57PSVHJM845
Pillar 3 Disclosure can be found here
Cazadores Investments Pty Ltd ("Cazadores Pty") is a limited company registered in Australia, ACN 139 866 934.
Authorised and Regulated by ASIC with ASIC reference number 74 139 866 934
LEI Number: 261700R3P1FHC5MXN052
Call Recording
Cazadores Investments has its landlines recorded by YayYay Limited which has been accredited with ISO 27001:2013 Certification and ISO 22301:2012 Certification
Mobile devices are recorded by Adam Phones Limited: Intelligent Integrated Communications
This website is not designed for the use of retail clients, as defined by the Financial Conduct Authority (“FCA”), but is suitable for eligible counterparties and professional clients (“Clients”).